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Women Holding Hands

NWD Womens

The Northwestern District Women's Ministry is a powerful example of what God will do when women of prayer and praise come together. Throughout the year they have a few events to build up the ladies from the churches in the disctrict.  

Image by Joel Muniz
Image by Luke Chesser

NWD Womens Director

Bobbie Reed

Bobbie Reed is passion about seeing women become Spirit empowered world changers in their churches and communities.

Image by Carolina Jacomin

Morning of Worship

This is a time to get together to worship with ladies from around the district. This is a powerful time of worship and fellowship. There is also a lunch following worship. During this event the women's ministry collects money for the NWD Church Camps. 

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

NWD Women's Retreat

This year the theme is The Spirit of the Lord God. This is an amazing time of worship, fellowship, and God's Word for the women in our district. Make this weekend a priority and expect God to do something amazing in your life.


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